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Long Island Skydiving Center Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 4 months ago

Clutter: who needs it? With each year that passes, the world seems more aware that the idea of filling our lives with stuff doesn’t bring the kind of happiness we hope for. In fact, it often brings the opposite. That’s why giving experience-rich bucket list gifts instead of objects is such a great way to show someone you care. When it comes to adventure, bucket list ideas are the perfect way to infuse some excitement into life!

Having fun while skydiving in New York

More and more people are subscribing to the definition of elegant minimalistic simplicity as captured by William Morris in this quote: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” So what’s a savvy gift-giver to do? Give memories, that’s what.

Memories make knock-your-socks-off gifts, and a bucket list experience like skydiving takes the cake. Not only does a skydiving gift crash straight through every tired holiday cliché — it makes a big impression on the giftee and giver alike!

Here are the top three reasons why skydiving reigns supreme of all bucket list gift ideas:

1. Skydiving is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Skydving in New York

Experience gifts, like skydiving, bring the kind of long-term satisfaction that we bet you’ve been looking for in your gift-giving. Objects can satisfy at first, but quickly become part of the furniture. A bucket list adventure, on the other hand, is a gift that endures.

The skydiving experience comes with much more than just in-the-moment excitement. The feelings, memories, and lasting impressions that are part of the jump stick with the jumper for a long time after they land.

And you can even up the ante by including a video package in their gift. There’s no better way to preserve the incredible memories of a skydive than by capturing it all on camera. The recipient of your gift will be able to look back and actually watch their skydive for years to come, reliving the life-changing experience that you gave them.

Lots of folks who choose to skydive insist that it’s something they won’t forget for the rest of their lives. It follows that — since the skydiving bucket list experience is something they’ll think fondly about forever — they’ll, by default, think fondly of the gift giver as well.

2. Your Gift Could Change Someone’s Life

skydiving near newark

Many people don’t realize how impactful making a skydive really is. Skydiving is often viewed as a daredevil activity for adrenaline junkies who can’t get enough. In reality, skydiving is an incredibly fulfilling and empowering experience.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment that comes with finally being able to cross a once-in-a-lifetime experience off your bucket list. We hear all the time that a major life experience like a first-time tandem skydive positively affects the lives of the adventurer, because it proves to them that so much more is possible than they imagined.

The recipient of your gift will feel more confident, capable, and focused than ever before. Skydiving brings a level of bodily awareness and mental fortitude that will carry on through the rest of their life.

They jumped out of an airplane, for heaven’s sakes! What else are they capable of? This newfound self-assurance does wonders in helping them tackle the rest of the “impossible” challenges in their lives. Magic? We certainly think so.

3. Not Everyone Loves Holidays

Let’s set aside the holly-jolly nonsense for a moment, shall we? Birthdays, winter holidays, and lover’s celebrations can be difficult for some people in certain circumstances.

There are plenty of people who don’t like the reminder that they are getting older, those who don’t have others to celebrate with, or people who just downright dislike holidays. Sometimes, the best pick-me-up for people in those situations is a gift that will pull them out of their slump and renew their enthusiasm for life.

And for that, there’s nothing like adventure bucket list ideas to hit the spot! Skydiving is a wonderful way to offer a new perspective on life, or introduce someone to a potential new hobby. The gift of a skydive is transformational and profoundly positive — just what the doctor ordered.

The Cost of Being a Bucket List Hero

Wondering how much the epic gift of skydiving in New York costs? Probably a lot less than you think! For a bit more than $200, you can set your loved one soaring into new heights. And for less than $400, they can have their cake and eat it too: skydiving video, photos, and Long Island Skydiving Center swag. Woop woop!

What’s the take-away? When it comes to gift giving, go with bucket list ideas, adventures that empower, and experiences that inspire — like a skydive! We can’t wait to help you make dreams come true!

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